Phone: 360-692-5201
Hours: M-F 8am-5:30pm
Address: 3342 NW Byron St, Silverdale, WA 98383

Kitsap’s Choice for Complete Automotive Service


Basic Tire Maintenance Every Driver Should Know

Basic Tire Maintenance Every Driver Should Know

The tires are the only thing between the vehicle and the road. When they are properly inflated and in good condition, the handling, stability and safety of the vehicle will be maximized. Conversely, when the tires are under inflated, worn out or damaged, all of the...

Are you buying the best tires and wheels for your car?

We know you’ve heard it before, but it’s critical enough to bear repeating. It’s also a bit daunting, too, that the tires on a vehicle are the one single link to the road surface. Think about that for a moment. You can have the most powerful engine, the most...

Tire Safety – Check your Tires!

Tire Safety: Check Your Tires for Wear and Tear May 26, 2015 It only takes a penny to see if your tires are worn or losing tread. Examining your tires for wear and tear, along with checking tire pressure and alignment, are essential to ensuring your...

Do your “PART” during Tire Safety Week

June 2, 2014 BY: Maintaining your vehicle’s tires is not only essential to getting better gas mileage, but it is also crucial to ensuring safety on the road. To maximize tire life, the Car Care Council recommends checking tire condition and pressure...

When should I have my tires rotated?

Tire rotations are typically done every 15,000 miles. During your tire rotation we also inspect the vehicle’s rotors, brake lines, brake pads, calipers, and wheel tread.