When purchasing a pre-owned vehicle, it is extremely important to know exactly what you are getting yourself into. You don’t want to end up with a lemon and get more than you bargained for. Silverdale Autoworks can provide you with a thorough pre-buy inspection:...
Always follow your manufacturer’s recommendations as outlined in the owner’s manual. Typically, the cooling system should be flushed out at least once every two years or 30,000 miles. The best time is to have this service performed is in the spring or...
You should have the alignment checked if you are experiencing any of the following: Excessive or uneven tire wear (provided the tires have been inflated at the proper air pressure) Steering wheel pulls to the left or right (again, first check air pressure in each...
This is a very serious problem – if your car overheats for too long, you can damage your engine. As soon as possible, find a safe place to pull off the road and shut the engine off! Do not attempt to check the fluid level in the radiator; the hot fluid can cause...
If you can see cracks in your belts, it is time to have them replaced. We recommend replacing your belts and hoses at least every three to four years. If your hoses look swollen or soft that could be an indicator that they need to be replaced. However, hoses can...