Phone: 360-692-5201
Hours: M-F 8am-5:30pm
Address: 3342 NW Byron St, Silverdale, WA 98383

Kitsap’s Choice for Complete Automotive Service


How Seriously Do You Take Your Brakes?

Here’s an honest question. Among all of your driving, each time you hop in your rig, do you think “Whew! Glad my car is safe and I’m in good hands!” … or do you tend to get into the car crossing your fingers and toes and hoping for the best? It’s no surprise that your brake system is THE most important function of any vehicle. Without feeling confident that you can stop at a moment’s notice, even a simple drive to the corner store would feel not just an unnecessary risk, but rather an impossibility. There is good news and bad news when it comes to your brakes. THE BAD: Reliable brakes are not a certainty, and it’s not something that you should take for granted. THE GOOD: If maintained regularly, you will have peace of mind that your car’s most important function is working seamlessly.

Make An Investment In Your Brakes

There’s nothing written in stone as to when you should get your brakes changed; it depends on usage, driving habits, and your vehicle’s make and model . A great way to monitor the actual condition of your brakes is to get a thorough brake system inspection, which will assess and address your brakes system’s condition and longevity. Invest in your vehicle to make sure it’s safe and functioning with Silverdale Autoworks today. We offer brake job servicing that will provide longevity for your vehicle, and the peace of mind that you and your passengers are safely on the road.