Phone: 360-692-5201
Hours: M-F 8am-5:30pm
Address: 3342 NW Byron St, Silverdale, WA 98383

Kitsap’s Choice for Complete Automotive Service


2017 is here! It is time to start getting together our list of New Year resolutions, and the team at Silverdale Autoworks

2017 Auto Repair Silverdale, WA

thinks it is important not to forget about your vehicle. In case you are struggling to think of some resolutions related to auto repair, we have compiled a list of 7 New Year Resolutions:


  1. Make sure your vehicle is running in optimal condition. Let’s kick the New Year off with a multi-point inspection at our auto repair shop. We will inspect your vehicle from bumper to bumper to ensure everything is in tip-top shape.
  2. Try to be a fuel-efficient driver. We all know gas is expensive, so let’s try to cut back on some of our bad habits, such as excessive speeding or aggressive. If you do this, you can cut down your fuel consumption by an incredible 35%.
  3. Put an end to the idling habit. We all do it, and like the saying goes: out with the old and in with the new! Let’s get rid of this habit. Idling for more than 10 minutes produces an excessive amount of carbon dioxide and can cost you an extra $80.00 a year.
  4. Check your tire pressure on a routine basis, especially during winter. Cold weather, compared to warm weather, decreases the air pressure in your tires much more quickly. Driving a vehicle with low tire pressure is known to reduce your tire’s lifespan. So, the moral of the story is don’t forget to check your tire pressure.
  5. Say goodbye to texting and driving. The dangers of texting and driving are well-documented. It is even against the law. We can’t stress this enough. Put down your phone for you, your family’s, and other driver’s safety.
  6. Try and keep your car clean and organized. We know just how challenging it is to keep your car clean, but we can start with the small stuff, such as making sure to take out any trash at the end of each day.
  7. Be a courteous and patient driver. We understand that driving can be quite frustrating at times, but let’s make a conscientious effort to be kind to our fellow drivers.

Make sure your vehicle is running on full cylinders for the New Year. Stop by Silverdale Autoworks in Silverdale, WA for a thorough check-up. Our shop is located at 3342 NW Byron Street, Old Town Silverdale.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 360-692-5201.